Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kiwi Pops

As the weather grows warmer and we begin to shed some of the many layers we have adorned this winter. I begin to dream about playing in the sun, going swimming and making home-made popsicles!

These are so easy and so yummy! I am not a huge fan of kiwi because of all the seeds, but I absolutely love these popsicles in the summer!
So basically you will need:
Popsicle sticks
Chocolate almond bark
Waxed paper
Remove the skin from the kiwi and slice them in half.
Lay them on a pan covered with waxed paper (if the kiwi you use are very soft you may need to place them in the freezer for a bit before covering them with chocolate).
Next, heat up your chocolate (according to package directions) and dip each popsicle in the almond bark to coat them. Place them back on the waxed paper covered pan and put them in the freezer to set. (Sorry I don't have a picture of the finished product)

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